Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"The Sandman"

It’s easy to say I loved this text automatically for the fact that it was a comic strip and also because it was about a classic. The Sandman is a very well known and loved story. However, I found myself getting a bit confused sometimes while I was reading. There’s no doubt about it that I enjoyed it, but towards the end of the section we were reading, I started to become a little lost in the sense where I felt like the story was hopping from one subject to another without any type of smooth transition or bigger explanation just to give me an idea of what’s going on. For the parts that I did comprehend, I enjoyed it very much. I think the sandman is about a serious topic even though it’s expressed through a comic. I believe it’s about facing nightmares in real life and your dreams becoming a reality but not in the way you’d want them too. And then in the story line, the sandman makes those people fall asleep for the rest of their lives. Now I could be completely wrong here trying to understand this, but I don’t think those actions are all that terrible. Of course it’s bad for someone to end up fall asleep and never waking up, but when they were awake, those certain people were suffering. So the sandman’s intentions may be bad, but I don’t believe his actions would be considered the worst thing that could happen. I guess it all comes down to perspective and the way you look at things. Regardless of my confused moments, I really enjoyed reading this text and I’m looking forward to trying to comprehend the rest of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Seher,
    I enjoyed reading this comic too. I was confused with parts of the story, after we discussed it in class it became a little bit more clear for me.
