Monday, February 17, 2014

"Porto Rican Folklore"

I can honestly say that “Porto Rican Folklore” was the best text that I have read so far. Besides the fact that it explained what myths meant to the Puerto Rican culture, it also went into detail on what the people of the culture believed in about different topics such as music, love, animals and more. The text elaborated on the folktales related to each topic. But what I loved about it was the originality of the culture. It was so amazing to find out the things that they believed in such as if a Puerto Rican man “washes his face in the first rainfall of May, then the sun will not burn him as dark as others.” Or “if an animal does not pass through a dark place, it is because he see’s beings invisible to man.” These types of beliefs are myths and folklores to this culture in particular. And it’s certain that every single culture believes in different things relating to each topic, but as for the Puerto Rican culture, I loved everything about it because I felt as if it all had a strong connection to the past of their people. Regardless of how much time as passed, they stayed in touch with their heritage I didn’t only love this text for the amusement of the beliefs; I was amazed by what these myths meant to Puerto Rican people. In this case, myths and folklores are doing a lot more than just teaching lessons because to this culture, it’s a relation to the past and your ancestors before you. It’s making sure all of the future generations of Puerto Rican people always know where they and their family really came from. It was just absolutely incredible to see that all of the myths and beliefs are still remembered, are still being passed on from generation to generation, and still are strongly believed to this day. That’s something I bet a lot of other cultures would not be able to proudly say.


  1. Hi Seher,

    I really like what you said about the purpose that
    myths and folktales serve.I agree that they are more than just cautionary tale, that they are more about passing along identity.

  2. Seher, I agree that no matter how many years had passed the people will always stay touch with their heritage which is shown in their myths and folktales. The belief Puerto Ricans have for their myths and folktales is amazing.
